Sunday, July 31, 2011

Testimony #46:friends atonement,

Hi Internet,
So, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this in just about every posting, but I'm giving another shout out to my friends and family. I really am unsure of how or why I became lucky or worthy enough to share my life with the people I do.  This past year and a half I have grown into something that I've strived to return to for about five years now. I know that I was able to return by the Grace of God, for the Atonement of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and for the truly wonderful friends, family, acquaintances and some times complete strangers in my life. I just want everyone to know that God loves you. He wants  you to know that He loves you. He wants you to return to Him. He has a plan for you. He wants to bless you. I want everyone to know that the Atonement is real. I want you to know that Jesus Christ, your brother, gave His whole life for you so you can make your life better. He has taken care of everything because He loves you that much. He has taken upon Him everything. and I want any and everyone to know, that includes you. He has taken it all. When you hit a rough spot give your pain/sorrow/sin to Him. He has taken care of it. I want everyone to know I have a testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It is the one true church. I have a testimony of the Book of Mormon; Another Testament of Jesus Christ. It is true, the words give comfort and guidance to all those who seek it. I know that the Lord listens to and answers prayer. He is looking out for you He loves you. I know that Thomas S Monson is a true prophet of God. I have a testimony of those serving with him in the first presidency, the twelve apostles, the quorum of the 70. They are all men of God, they all speak truths and seek for righteous doings. I have a testimony of today's youth. They are absolutely wonderful. It is inspiring to watch their example. I want to testify that past sins do not define who you are. That the Lord remembers them no more. I testify that pain, anger and whatever else you are feeling can be taken from you, but only if you offer it up. I know that the Lord has blessed me substantially I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Testimony #45:

Guess who fails at going to bed AGAIN!? I'm frustrated with myself. I want to be better (still)
It's getting hard to keep going and move forward in the gospel right now. I know that's satan trying to get to me.
I know I can come out triumphant by good media, scripture study, templing, praying. I've been having a hard time praying and scriptureing. I just need to keep trying and working. I will get there :)
I know that when we do what is asked we are blessed for it. I know if I ask my Father for help, He will help me. But only if I do what is asked of me.
I just want everyone to know I love this gospel, I love my Savior, I love my Father in Heaven and all he does for me. I know that He is there and He listens to me. I know my Savior died for me. I know the Atonment is real and there for all of us to use. I know the scriptures are true. I know that the prophets (past and present) are true prophets.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Testimony #44: Word of Wisdom

The Internet is totally back up! Hoorah!
So, hmm...let's see....
Tonight I was writing up my testimony, and I got distracted. I went places online (not bad places, but just other places) and now I let the spirit I had with me leave. (again nothing bad, just distracting places)
I suck...I really don't know why I'm having such a hard time with following the spirit.
I'm pretty much getting discouraged, but I know I can do it and I know I can devote my time and attention to my Father in Heaven. I know what I need to do, but I don't know what to do...ya know?
I know what I need to do, but I don't know how to motivate myself. I don't know why I'm like this lately!
I was making progress for a while. Maybe, well, no I won't make excuses for myself.
I guess I'm trying to find balance between what I want and what I need and what I should. I'm trying and I'm not trying. I'm not being diligent or disciplined. For anyone out there with self-discipline, kudos.
Oh wait I know what's wrong! and I've even been saying it. I'M NOT GETTING ENOUGH SLEEP!!!
I NEED to get to bed ON TIME! I need to get up ON TIME!!! I'm going to give myself a bed time right now.....I always feel so lame going to bed before midnight...ok I go to bed at 11 o clock! I start getting ready for bed at 10:30! maybe I'll try writing this earlier....maybe in the mornings or whatever....(but that's not going to happen right away I can tell you that)
So I would like to bare my testimony on the importance of Doctrine and Convenience 89! word of wisdom!
for those of you unfamiliar with the word of wisdom, pretty much it says "take care of your body"  Don't smoke, drink, do drugs, don't eat too much meat, get to bed and wake up early, exorcise...stuff like that. Why do these things? well...
Your body is sacred. YOUR BODY IS SACRED!!! It is a gift from our Heavenly Father. It is unique and FOR YOU! We only have one. we need to treat it right. What we eat/drink/do does effect us. and I know that if we follow the guidelines found in Doctrine and Convenience 89 we will be able to feel the spirit more. Yea! I do! We can be our best when we feel our best. Having problems with your self esteem? go to bed!
Want to find some revelation? work out for a while, go jogging or something. Want to be blessed? well put down that twinkie my friend :) (but just fyi I'm not saying never eat a twinkie.....mmm)
I know that our bodies and spirit work together, So if we want to be strong in one, we also have to be strong in the other.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen..

go to bed! :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Testimony #43: The mighty priesthood

Internet still down might be down tomorrow, might be up the day after...cross your fingers
SO I would just like to bare my testimony about the priesthood.
The priesthood is wonderful :) I know it makes a difference in homes. I felt the difference when it left my home. I know it is important and offers so much to those who respect it.
I don't want to go in to a pity me moment, but I was talking to a friend (an awesome, wonderful friend...hi friend!) and she was talking about a real rough patch she was going through, and you know what she did? asked for a father's blessing. I was talking to the same friend a long time ago about a rough patch I was going through, and she asked how longs its been since I had a blessing. It had been a few months. When I was going through another hard time and my different friend was like "you need a blessing" and tracked down two people to give me one. (friend, you are fabulous. Thank you) at that point I had forgotten it was an option. I had completely forgotten the role priesthood could have on your life.
The priesthood is so important. It offers so many gifts to you. Fight to keep it in your life. If you are able to hold the priesthood, honor it. you straight up honor it! you don't know when you might need to use it and be unable to help out a loved one. Any girls out there, do anything you can to honor those who may hold the priesthood. There is responsibility on both sides. Please keep it in your life! I can testify that it is so disheartening to see it exit your life.
I remember when my dad gave up his priesthood power, well, not the specific day, but I remember when I was struggling and asked for a blessing. He put his hands on my head and I knew that he wasn't worthy. I knew, though he had good intentions and he was trying, I was not receiving any sort of gift.
So again I plead with any male out there. HONOR YOUR PRIESTHOOD! and for those of you who are. THANK YOU!!!
It makes life so much easier if you have the power of the priesthood in your life. I have been lucky enough to know some GREAT men, who remained worthy and it helped me out a ton.
So I have asthma, and one night I had a bad attack. Usually I just like to ride it out, so I wasn't able to breath properly I think for and hour, hour and a half. And I try my hardest not to freak out. It was working for a little, and my breath kept getting shallower and shallower. It got really slow, and at one point I remember thinking "this is it, I'm going to stop breathing and pass out" and for some reason, somehow I kept breathing...I texted my roommate (because I couldn't talk) "I want a blessing"
She called our home teachers (it was like 11 pm) and they came right over, riding in on their white horses of priesthood :)
As soon as the blessing was done, and they had gone, my roommate said, "you seem calmer," I was and I didn't even notice it. I was breathing and I didn't even notice haha!
That is only one example, it has blessed me many other times. Healed me many other times. and my favorite part about the asthma story is the next day when I was like "I owe ya one" my dear friend said "the priesthood doesn't work that way" and then he thanked me for letting him use it. Thank YOU priesthood holding friend :)
If you have the priesthood in your home, please take advantage of it. Use it. Be worthy of it. (you too ladies) Please allow it to be a part of your life.
If it is not in your home. Have good friends, still use it, honor it (you too ladies! I'm so serious!) Remember that it has not left your life. Don't be afraid to go to your extended family, your home teachers, bishops, other callings that priesthood holders are in, friends etc. The power of the priesthood is real. It has merit. It can heal. It can change lives. It can offer comfort and assurance. Blessings can offer council and advise.
I know that I need to look for that in my eternal companion: someone who honors his priesthood. I know that if we both strive to keep it in our lives and be at the forefront of our household, we will be blessed for it.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Testimony #42: missioning

Note: I was very tired when I wrote this, and I think the anesthesia has been effecting me so...yea I apologize in advance....

So my Internet is down right now while I'm writing this. But know that it was done. So yea. still counts :)
So I was getting ready for bed and I remembered I still needed to bare my testimony. I could have possibly missed it. That would have been super lame. especially since I'm more than 1/12 complete of my goal. This is a pretty cool goal I have...
So thanks to Heavenly Father for the promptings and for the sources and influences that brought about the idea.
Oh and another reason why if I missed a tonight it would be super lame...It's temple Tuesday! That would have been pretty ridiculous.
Though I was pretty distracted (I guess would be the word) at the temple today...pretty much all day....week, whatever. I don't know why but I seem to be dragging my feet getting stuff done and following promptings. I always tell myself this is Satan trying to get to me when I'm close to achieving something the Lord wants me to do. Or maybe something that I want in my life. or both....I don't know, but I just think to myself the closer I get, the harder he and I have more repenting to do, I have been lazy and mistreating on me. and More testimony of atonement :)
But yea. So I decided that I just really love the gospel. I've found myself just really wanting to discuss so many things about it. It brings me so much happiness to put something in perspective
I think it's so cool anytime I get any sort of revelation.
I am so grateful for my calling (ward missionary) and I have a testimony that the Lord blesses you with what you need and want. He will guide and bless you according to your diligence and your desires.
I want to share this experience...
So I was debating whether or not I should go on a mission and I was prompted to think about going on a mission. well, I mistook this for "go on a mission." just so you guys know "think" and "go" are two different words, and they have two separate meanings....
anyway, so I would get a prompting of "think about going on a mission" and I would be like "ok so I'm going on a mission" and then I'd get "no, don't go on a mission" and then I'd be like "no don't go on a mission" and then I'd be prompted "but think about going on a mission"
"so I'm going on a mission! cool I'm going on a mission"
"but think about it"
and it went back and forth like that for YEARS. I don't know why, but it was that way.
Well anyway, I guess I decided to listen when I got "Don't go on a mission"
so I was like "finally and answer!" though technically I had an answer the whole time, I just finally saw it. and I still got the prompting of "think about it"
So I was praying (shout out to prayer! whoo!) and I got the feeling like I'm not going to go on a mission, but I should prepare like I am going.
and I felt like the reason Heavenly Father didn't just say that in the first place was....I wouldn't do it if I wasn't going.
(so I totally haven't been doing that...I so should...shame on me!)
But yea...and then on top of all that stuff...I was debating whether or not I even really wanted to go on a mission, let alone should. I mean, the thought of me leaving for a year and a half terrified me. talking to strangers I didn't know about God? Talk about something that I hold so close and dear to me? and the thought of all the rejection I'd take....and there was more, but I don't want to deter anyone if they are thinking about going on a mission themselves. It's so wonderful if you do go (not that I can talk) but yea, So I was going back and forth on whether or not I could handle it, and I got told (again) "no" but this time it was not quickly followed by "think about it" so I had my answer and I was relieved that I could stay where I was, (in comfort)
So months later when The "think about it" came to mind I was like "But I thought I knew!!" well I was thinking about it one Sunday in church, and I started thinking "I do want to serve a mission" but I knew my place wasn't out in the mission field as a full time missionary. But I wanted to help spread the gospel. I often ask myself why I was so lucky to have had the gospel my whole life. and I often answer myself "because I can share it." So yea, those two things are related. But anyway yea, I wanted to serve the Lord, I wanted those around me to understand, well, anything about the gospel (it's so great!!) 
a week (maybe two) later, I was called as a ward missionary.
I know that my calling came from the Lord. I know that I have a purpose in this calling. I know that Heavenly Father was listening and guiding me the entire time. Writing this all down really makes me glad to know what I have in my life. It also makes me giggle at how misunderstanding I was/am of the answers I receive from the Lord. I know that He knows me and wants the best for me. I know that I have been called for a reason.
I pray that I can live up to what He has planned for me.
I want to bare my testimony of the one true church. I know that it's true, I know it was established by God,I know that the Lord helps those who stick around for progress.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Testimony #41: Get with it!

So I again am slacking off and need to get myself in check....changing is hard, but not impossible.
I need to get to bed at a better hour. Like for reals. When the spirit says something I need to listen without hesitation. I keep finding questions that need to be answered and not doing the work to find them. I want to be better. So I can be better. I know that if I follow the promptings of the Lord I will be able to do whatever I need to. I know that if I put in the work I will be taken care of. I know that if I act, the Lord will too.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

But ps, I am improving :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Testimony #40:pioneers and piano lessons

Hello hello,
What a beautiful Sunday it was :)
It's pioneer day, I should probably bare my testimony on how awesome pioneers were.
If anyone doesn't know what that is, Pioneer Day is a Utah holiday where we commemorate the pioneers coming across America to settle in Utah. I think that sentence makes sense...right?
Well, I do have a testimony of the pioneers, they were awesome people. I also have a testimony that Utah is the place where they were supposed to be. I know that the Lord helped them out because they obeyed. I mean, do you realize just how deserty this place was? There was an offer from Brigham Young- he would give $1000 for the first crop of corn because he simply didn't think it could be done. And now look at us. Corn is like what Utah is known for.....wait..what? it's not?.....Well we still have corn! so....yea!
I don't have a graceful segway for this, but before church today, I was listening to Classical89 on the radio. Sundays they usually have a BYU devotional playing when I'm driving to the church building.
I don't know who gave the  talk, but it was about turning weaknesses into strengths. and I'm not sure how this relates (but it does somehow) but the guy was comparing the atonement to piano set up:
He was talking about how we do our very best and the Savior makes up the rest. He was talking about a young women that came into his office and was asking/saying (quotish) "I know we do our very best and the Lord fills the rest of the gap, but who fills the gap between me and what I'm supposed to be doing?"
I thought that was an interesting extra thoughts, just interested. Well the guy started talking about how the Lord didn't pay for all (referring to our sins) except for a few coins, he payed for it all. Everything has been taken care of. Wow, doesn't that make you feel comforted? It did me...also loved...very loved.
Then he did the comparison to piano lessons. Ok, so your mom pays for your piano lessons right? She gives you this awesome gift that really, you'd never be able to pay back being a child. She doesn't expect you to pay her back, but she does want you to practice (repentance). Now, practice won't pay the teacher (God) it won't pay your mother back (Christ) but it will show appreciation of the gift of lessons (the Atonement).
I can't remember the exact wording but he mentioned how practicing/repenting showed the desire to improve. That's all Christ wants, He wants you to improve :) not all judgy like or anything. He just wants you to be the best you can, so you can achieve the best you can, so you can have the best you can. Even if you don't He's already payed for you anyway. Isn't that wonderful? No matter what you do, you will be able to live again. :) (ya know in the next life?) you will have your body and spirit reunited. He loves you that much :)
I know these things to be true and I say them in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Testimony 39: better than yesterday

I'm doing better than yesterday :) and way better than the day before :).
So, the day I fudged....I hadn't been reading my scriptures, and I wasn't praying at night, and in the morning I would pray and drive (but totally with my eyes open...and my hands on the steering kinda praying)
and I guess I just want to bare my testimony of the fact that diligent prayer and scripture study matter.
That's what "holding fast to the rod" diligent scripture study and prayer. You can do other things like; go to the temple, go to church, listen to good music, etc. but if you don't faithfully study and commune daily with God, satan will creep up on you. No doubt. He did me...Super grateful that I know that my Savior died for my sins and I can repent. Did repenting, still repenting (ya know turning toward the Lord in all doings....ongoing process :) )
I have a testimony of the plan of salvation and the atonement. I know that my Father in Heaven hears me, loves me, looks after me, knows me and wants the best for me. I know that my Brother Jesus Christ died for my sins and I know He lives. I know that I am a daughter of God. I know that the church is true and I know that I have the chance to return to my Father in Heaven.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Testimony #38: repent, Heavenly Father's plan, and friends (yea again)

So I'm not good on the "don't post at 2 in the morning" because look, it's exactly 2 in the morning when I wrote this's a good thing the church is still true.

So, there's a few things I want to get out there tonight
1-I screwed up. I need to repent. I should have last night, but I didn't....I was too ashamed to face my Heavenly Father. I still am ashamed, and embarrassed. But I have a testimony that I should, my Father wants me to turn to Him. He wants me to. He still loves me, He still has a plan for me. And the great thing is, this thing that I'm struggling with, was taken care of. My Savior suffered so I can confess and forsake my sins. My Savior died so I can hurriedly go to my Father in Heaven and have my burdens lifted.
I really need to be better. I am so grateful for the plan of happiness that my Father devised. I'm so soooo grateful that I have a Brother that would willingly give up His life so I can have a second (third, fourth, etc) chance. I'm so very grateful to be so loved. I'm so very lucky that I have this in my life. I am so very grateful that I know the truths of the Atonement. I really hope someone is reading this because I feel it's an obligation of mine to get the good word out there. I was given this great gift of the gospel in my life. I want to share...hey look a blog devoted for that same

2-So I was talking to a friend of mine today. He wasn't in the best of spirits, he was following a difficult prompting given to him by our Heavenly Father. He's a great dude for being able to do that. I was super impressed how willing he was to follow what the Lord was telling him. It made me think/realize that I'm not active enough in seeking what the Lord wants me to do with my life. I've just been coasting along, asking for advise in tight spots and then forgetting that great resource. I can make excuses for myself, good excuses (well good enough for me not to be actively seeking) but those reasons don't matter. My God knows me and what He wants for me. He can see so much better than I can. He knows what my potential is. I don't even know what I'm capable of right now, let alone 20, even 5 years from now. I need to trust the Lord, and ask!! Oh boy do I. I've definitely struggled with that one. I'm so petrified of doing. I was talking to a friend (different one) and she (see) was saying that I wasn't doing what the Lord wanted me to do because I was afraid, even thought I'd be ok.
That's so freaking true. It's not like the Lord was ever like "Hey Nephi, go and build a boat."  Nephi- "Sure thing!" Heavenly Father "Just kidding, you can't do that....joke's on you!" (that wasn't blasphemous was it?)
He wouldn't bother asking us to do things if we weren't capable of doing it. So I shouldn't be afraid and I need to act  I need to do!
I was reading in my little journal I have for Sunday notes and things and I read these notes that I WROTE:  Don't pass up the opportunities that are specifically place in our path. DON'T PASS UP THE OPPORTUNITIES!!!!! TAKE THE OPPORTUNITIES!!!
It takes courage and commitment to follow the spirit. Have courage and commit.
Isn't that fitting? I think so. So, I need to share my testimony of Heavenly Father's love for us. I have a testimony that He has a plan for us that we would be wise to follow. I know that if we seek His guidance WE WILL SUCCEED :) He can see so much farther than us, and has a lot more experience than us. He can see more that our thought. He can see those around us and can place us in paths that benefit us, or others. Kinda like my friend today who showed me by example how to improve my life....which brings me to
3-I am again wishing to express my gratitude of the friends and family in my life. I would again like to bare my testimony the importance of surrounding yourself with good and supportive people. It isn't easy to find. It isn't easy to maintain,  but it is worth it. (but just so you know friends reading this, I'm not saying it's hard to be your friend, quite the opposite. I mean why would I be like "oh I'm so grateful" and then be all "it's really hard to be friends with you all the time"? wouldn't do it. Didn't do it. super love you guys. disclaimer finished? ok good) I would simply not be where I am today with out my friends and family. I have a testimony that Heavenly Father put them in my life (and me in theirs) to help me. Heavenly Father knows me and what I needed and wanted and that was the people currently in my life. Thank you Heavenly Father, Thank you Jesus Christ, and thank you friends and family...straight up loves to the lot of ya.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some repenting to do. Get all...back on track and stuff :)
until tomorrow :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Testimony #37:

So I was just lying here (exhausted for some reason) and I read some of my old posts...
goodness gracious! I can't understand what I'm talking about! and I wrote it! man!
So goal: Don't post these things at 2 in the morning.
ok, so yea, hopefully that will help with being coherent. (but still cross your fingers)
So...I still love the gospel, I uh, am starting to worry about these posts getting too short, and too repetitive.
But I was thinking (like ya do) Sometimes the shortest testimonies are the most heart filled. and I really do have a testimony of all the things that I've repeated. I don't need to have a new experience everyday to want to bare my testimony (though admittedly that would be pretty stellar) (and yea, I did just use the word with it)
But yea, I shouldn't worry if my testimony isn't entertaining all the time so long as it's true and I believe what I'm saying. so...
I have a testimony of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I have a testimony of my Father in Heaven. I have a testimony that He loves and cares for me. He knows me by name. He has a plan for me, specifically for me. I know that if I follow what He has in mind for me I won't fail.
Isn't that interesting/amazing? He could tell me "Andi, I want you to go to Germany and do....something the Lord would ask me to do....(I can't think of anything)" and if I did it, I could do it! It's really cool and comforting thinking that I have all this potential lined up for me (I apologize if this is making no sense..._
but yea, I have a testimony of the church and I know the Atonement is real and the Lord wants us all to return to live with Him again one day
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Testimony #36: temples

In case you were wondering my tooth removal went just fine, though I accidentally removed part of my gum today thinking it was a chuck of food. TMI? this is me not caring ;)

So I want to start out by sharing my gratitude for the friends in my life. Thanks friends :) and thanks Heavenly Father for putting them in my life.
I have a testimony of the importance of sharing your life with good people and strong friends that can support you.
I had a friend today ask if we could go to the temple. Boy did I need to go to the temple. I usually go every week, but the past two weeks on Temple Tuesday I was unable to go :( Yesterday I had a tooth removed so I was on week 3. My recovery wasn't as treacherous as I thought it would be so I was able to temple it up :)
I've been in a funk of sorts (I think I've been mentioning it) I was worried about issues that were silly and had no merit. I went to the temple and was no longer bothered with those issues.
I have a strong testimony of the temple. It totally clears your mind, it allows you to feel God's love for you, it helps keep you unspotted from the world. I love the temple :) I truly know it is a house of God, and I have personally seen and noticed the effects it has had on me and my life. I know that my Redeemer lives. I know that the Atonement is real and I know God loves me and has a plan for me. I also know that plan involves the temple, so...more shout outs to the temple. :) if you are ever finding yourself in a tough place, don't know what to do? or if you're finding yourself a bit down on yourself  (like I was) go to the temple. That place is wonderful and sacred. Great works are being done inside those walls and I'm so lucky I can frequent it.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Testimony #35: to calm me

I'm going to have a tooth removed and for some reason I'm real nervous. So I thought I'd bare the quickest of testimonies (I need to go) to calm me.
I know that Jesus is the Christ
I know that God loves and cares for me
I know that the church, scriptures and prophest (past and present) are true
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

wish me luck

Monday, July 18, 2011

Testimony #34:General stuff?

So I would just like to say that yesterday's testimony did help. I want to bare my testimony of the gospel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It is the true church. I want to bare my testimony of baring your testimony, it is awesome, it helps a ton, it gives you strength to resist temptation and it reminds you that your Father in Heaven is watching over you. I want to bare my testimony of the worth of souls, there is no single person that isn't loved. God loves all, Jesus died for all. You are part of all, I am part of all. We are all awesome. I want to bare my testimony of the scriptures; they are relevant, they are true, they matter and bring comfort to everyone that seeks for meaning behind the words. I want to go to sleep....
but not before I bare my testimony of my Savior Jesus Christ. He died for my sins, He loves me and knows my name. He suffered everything for me. He knows how I feel. He can help me through anything. but only if I let Him.
I have a testimony of my Father in Heaven, He also knows and loves me. He has a plan for me that I need to follow. He knows what I am capable of, He knows what I can handle, He knows what I need. He knows how to challenge me. He knows why when I don't. I know I can do whatever He asks me, I know I can do anything with His help. I know that He wants me to return with Him again one day.
I have a testimony of prayer, I know that my Father listens to me. I know that He answers me, I know that the answer is sometimes "no" But I know, even when that is the case, He still loves me, He still knows what He's doing, and I know there is a reason.
I'm grateful to know the truths in my life.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

ps Having a tooth removed tomorrow, going under. Hope to testify tomorrow :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Testimony #33:

I'm having a strange night. I'm hoping that baring my testimony will help. I'm sure it will.
I know that my Redeemer lives. I know He died for my sins. I have a testimony of the gospel. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I know that God lives and loves us. I know He wants the best for us. I know that we can all return and live with Him again one day. I know that if we endure to the end we will be blessed. I have a testimony of life after death and that families can be together forever. I have a testimony of the temple.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Testimony #32: Media

I've decided I let the world in too much and too fast after I got back from girls camp. I'm feeling pretty challenged right now. Not like super trialy or nothin, just like....tempted I guess to be lax or whatever.
I need to stay on it. I've really been having a battle with media and art and trying to keep them appropriate.
I want to bare my testimony of good media effecting you (and me of course)
For a long while I loved movies, good movies, I looked for them watched a review site pretty religiously, short films, old films on youtube, awesome. but not really because there were those that weren't uplifting at all...
and I would think about really what the big deal was. What was the big deal over a bit of violence, some language, a sex scene...well...
I am an artist (this connects I promise) I love art, I love everything to do with art. I think it can express things and make you feel things that you didn't even know you were capable of. I think it can touch and effect you and you don't even recognize the feeling you are feeling.
I also have seen some great works of art on screen. Movie making is an art form, a lot of things go into them and yer, they do effect you. Along with that you can attach music, books, photography, and a bunch o others I'm too tired to think of right now....
but yes, If you listen and watch good things, good feelings come to you. I dare you to try it, even for a little while. Try 2 weeks. I double dog dare you, no I triple dog dare you (because you can't say no to those)
I've tried it and I have seen a difference in my life. I have a testimony of seeking praiseworthy things.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Testimony #31: The Iron Rod experience

Wow, I can't belive I've been doing this for a whole month....that's strange...but awesome!
So if you look at the last post, you can see I just got back from girls camp :)
I fell asleep from 5-midnight and now I'm up and about to go to bed again haha!
My testimony has grown substantially. I love today's youth! I have a strong testimony of them :)
The whole week it seemed we focused on the influence our friends have on us.
It made me realize just how much that is true, I want to share this experience we had at camp:

All the leaders went into the woods. We had a piece of string probably aroud 30 feet long (but I'm way bad at guestimating) We all held onto the string and waited for the girls to come up 2 by 2. The girls were blindfolded brought to the string, and were told "this is the iron rod, hold on and walk" If you don't know what the iron rod is, I suggest reading Lehi's dream in the book of mormon (1st Nephi chapter 8) and  Nephi's Vision (1st Nephi chapters 11-14) If you aren't interested in reading but still don't understand, the iron rod is a representation of the word of God.
So, The girls were supposed to hold on to the string and walk the path to the tree of life on the other side (Eternal Life/being able to live with Heavenly Father again) Us leaders, spread along the way, were given the task to have the girls let go of the rod. If they did let go we removed their blindfolds and told them they could wait along with us. They then began helping getting the other girls to let go.
We started with the older girls, my girls, I saw them and I didn't want to do it. It sounds kind of silly because it was just girls holding on to string in the woods, but it represented a heck of a lot more. A girl would get on and I would say "Awesome! you made it! ok, stop." she would stop.
"Ok, now you can sit over here, but you need to let go."
"You can sit over here in the shade, but if you want to sit you need to let go."
"Are we sitting?"
"For reals?"
"I can let go?"
"If you want to sit down, you need to let go."
Some would move on completely ignoring me.
Some let go. It was hard. I felt bad misleading them because I loved them so much.
I would lie to them saying we were going down to the lake early, or I'd let them use my phone to text, or that other people were there and had let go.
I understood what I was doing and was trying to show the girls that it's often the "harmless" things that can take us away from the word of God. There is nothing wrong with sitting down, taking a break or relaxing. But sometimes we become stagnate, we become lazy, we become unwilling to do what the Lord is asking us to do. I'm not saying if you relax you are a sinner, I was just trying to represent some part of sin.
Later in the excorcise I said to myself it was hard getting the girls I was in charge of to let go because I loved them so much. Then it dawned on my that sometimes it's the people who love us most that can take us away from the word of God.
After a while my little sister came up, I wanted her to make it so badly. She didn't listen to me and I was proud. Then she heard my mom's voice (oh yea my mom and little sisters came up to camp) My mom said "that's ok, she can come with my group" when my sister didn't listen to me. When she physically was by her my mom said "Stay here with me." and my sister let go. She took off her blindfold my mom's heart sank and she gave her a hug.
When I was reflecting on this I started to cry, (yes I know it's silly, just remember it represented a lot more.)
Sometimes people see you moving on in the church, in the gospel or in life and they say "Wait, stay here with me." They don't want you to leave their side because of how much they love you. They don't understand where you are headed and are afraid for you. They want the best for you, and they assume that it's staying with them. Or maybe they just don't want to see you go. They don't want you to progress, not because they don't want success for you, but because they don't know where it will take you. They don't want to lose you.
I thought about how hard it is to sometimes leave people behind. How sometimes it is needed in order to progress. You sometimes have to leave cherrished people behind in order to get to where you need to be. My heart breaks for anyone in this situation. If you are able to progress, do it. I know it's hard, I know it's scary, and you having your family or friends say "Wait, where are you going? stay here with me" is heartrending.  There is something more for you. There is something more for them. It is your Heavenly Father's plan, it is the chance to live with Him again one day.
Sometimes we need to leave those behind that are taking us away from the gospel. You will never stop loving them, you will never stop praying for them. Please understand I'm not trying to come off heartless. It is 2 people making that choice. All relationships are a 2 way street. They are free to follow us just as much as we  are free to follow them. Sometimes people are left behind on both sides. My heart breaks for these situations.
One of the leaders, Catherine, wasn't on the sides set as a distraction. She represented the Holy Ghost and was given the task to read scriptures to the girls and she would try to get the girls to keep going. She tried so hard and she was getting so frustrated and heartbroken as girl after girl let go. I took a lot of girls off that string. There was a girl she was whispering to. I told her to stop, she stopped and Catherine started whispering faster. I told her we were going to the lake early and we had room for one more girl and she didn't move, Catherine started to repeat the scripture. I counted all the girls that were also there to her and she got nervous and confused, Catherine's face became urgent. I told her she needed to let go, she could come but she just needed to let go of the string, let go. She was unsure and hesitant but she let go. Catherine looked at me with a very stern face "Back off a little bit." she said, "Give them a chance."  This reminded me of Heavenly Father not allowing us to be tempted over what we are able. Cathrine moved me further up the line (I was the first one the girls got to) My mom likened this to when Heavenly Father wiped out unrighteous civilizations when the people born into them weren't "given a chance" This builds my testimony that God does love us, He is vying for us. (I think that's how you use that word)  He wants the very, very best for us and wants us all to be able to live with Him again.
As the girls struggled to make it up, I noticed more and more parellels to life in this object lesson. It started off quiet, with just the leaders making distractions, saying sometime rediculous things that everyone knew wasn't true. As more and more came up, more and more came to the side of the path and were shouting at the girls saying "Stop, get off, let go, you made it, we're done." The leaders and other girls could say whatever they wanted and they would pass, but when they got to their friends and heard them say "You're done, we're serious let go." They would let go.
Friends play such an importatn role in life. Friends are the most influential people in a young person's life. It doesn't change much as you get older (that is from jr high to age 22 is as far as I can speak for) Why would you listen to someone you don't trust? Why would you sacrafice somethig so wonderful for a stranger?
You know exactly why you would for a friend, for a familiar voice. You trust them, you know they love and care for you, you would do just about anything for them.  This is why it is so important to share your life with uplifting people.
It is not necisarry, I have had friends that were, and still are, against the church I believe in. They are wonderful people. I think of them often, I hope they are doing well, I pray for their well-being, but I don't see them any more. They do not support me when I'm at my happiest, when I'm strong with the spirit of God, and I was unwilling to turn from it. This is the main reason we no longer hang out. Before I pulled my life away from them though, they did manage to take me away, I allowed myself to stray from the path and it has taken me years to find my way back to it. Please, surround yourself with good people.
As I mentioned earlier, the string started off with few distractions and changed steadily as more and more girls came. I saw this being similar to

I HATE to do this, but I need to sleep, I will finish this asap (please ignore the spelling errors).....until then...

I know that the attonment is real, and Jesus Christ lives. I know that He died for my sins. I know there is a way back for all. IT IS NEVER TOO LATE!!! Start now. You can be forgiven. You are still loved, God wants you to be happy, wickedness never was happiness. You will always be loved, you have always been special, you will always be a child of God. God know your name. God will listen if you pray. He has a plan for you, a path for you, your very own piece of string. I know these things are true and I say them humbly in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Testimony #27-30: Girls camp

So I got back from girls camp today and I LOVED IT!! :)
This is where I'm going to put the testimonies I wrote in a notebook while I was up at girls camp.
I'm not putting them up all tonight because it's 3 in the morning...I did that thing where I fell asleep and now I'm awake just to go back to sleep...good stuff.

So I'll start with #27: 7/11/2011
Hi there! so I think this is 25? I'm at girls camp right now and all I can say is, the future of the church is in good hands. I have a huge testimony of today's youth. They are so wonderful :) it's like when I started Temple Tuesdays, the first 2 weeks were consisted of us waiting on youth people who were also performing temple work. This generation is the chosen generation and they are rocking it! :) I know that I am so blessed to be working with them and I hope the rest of the week I can see more of what I saw today :) I know the church is true I know the worth of souls is great, and I know my Savior died for my sins. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

until later

Hi, I've had a wonderful day today. :) I've had prayers answered, needs met and concerns...lessened would be the word. But I know that my Father in Heaven loves me :) I know that He puts obstacles in my way knowing me and what I'm capable of. I know that if the Lord asks it of me, there is a way to do it. I know that I can put my trust in the Lord. I know He wouldn't ask if I couldn't do it. If I do what the Lord wants I will NEVER fail. That is baffling, amazing, and intimidating. I would also like to bare my testimony of a patriaricle blessing some very specific verbiage has come to mind as I've been struggling and it brings so much comfort. I love it. It is so personal. As I was preparing for my blessing I prayed and every question I asked about my life was answered. It really bore witness to me that prayers are heard and answered. I know the Lord loves each and every one of us. I know my Savior lives. I know He died for my sins. I know that I am special (as in)I am a daughter of God. I know that I have worth. I feel my Savior's love every day (or at least everyday I look for it) I know that when I do the Lord's work I am blessed for it and I will be preserved if I follow through I have been blessed so much and I know it is because I can do some good with it. I can serve the Lord. He allows me so much :)and I love Him :) I have so much gratitude and I want to find more ways to express that. I say these thing in the name of Jesus Christ amen.


Hello we are on a hike right now and were asked to write our testimonies in our journal, how convenient is that? With all the scheduling and awesomeness that is camp last night I was up for some time writing down my testimony, so yea this totally counts and I am super grateful for this time.
We were asked to talk about our friends and how they have strengthened us. Though I might repeat a lot form Testimony #4...I have pretty  much the greatest friends ever! they all love and care for me for who I am (and if they don't they sure fooled me!) I'm going to try my darnedest to express what an impact my friends have had on me.
I would be no where with out my friends, no where. There are people constantly encouraging me, helping me, uplifting me, making me laugh. There are those who I know will ALWAYS be there for me, and want the very best for me. There are those whom I trust so much (which is a big thing for me) I LOVE my friends SO very much. If you're reading this friends (yea! even you! [thanks for reading this ps]) I love you. You don't know but you have helped me a lot. I know it's general for me to day, but I cannot think of a single person that I know that didn't have an impact on my life.
Hey it's 14 hours later, they straight up did not give enough time to write this so I'm going to try and finish these thoughts later, but I'm still baring my testimony this one would just take too long....sooooo....

I hope I can read this later :)

testimony #30: 7/14/2011
So I'm very tired, it's very late
camp is wonderful but I am worn out
Testimony meeting was tonight, If anyone is worried about the future of the church, don't be. The youth of today are incredibly strong :)!!!
I have felt the spirit so much today and this week . I would love to bare my testimony of repentance, of the importance of choosing good friends, of our Savior's love, of prayer, of progress, the scriptures, the prophets, of worth, of the church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints, and of testimonies. and probably more...wait, yes, definitely more, but they are all true/there/important
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Testimony #26: super short

The church is true and I love it with all my heart
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen
going camping 1 week will post testimonies on return
bye :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Testimony #25: short

still struggling to follow the promptings given to me, but still trying :)
I will get better with effort, I intend to be diligent. well, not really but I'm going to work on it...
I know that my Redeemer lives, I know that I can become whole only through Christ
I know my Heavenly Father loves and knows me.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

ok bye :)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Testimony #24:

Hello again
So I'm feeling out of sorts. I don't feel spiritually apt at the moment and also whilst I'm writing this I'm thinking to myself in a British accent. So don't mind a bit if I use words like "daft" right? Brilliant
Anyway, as I was saying, I'm feeling out of sorts, which I'm unsure is an actual phrase. I've not been doing what I feel has been asked of me by my Heavenly Father.
I've been staying up late, procrastinating, not praying, not reading my scriptures and fighting to be lazy. I don't know why. I might be a bit stressed. I don't know why I allow myself to be less than what I am capable of. It's discouraging really...
I've girls camp on Monday, and I am so not prepared. While I was freaking out about what it is I should be doing I've received revelation of what to do like; pray for the girls, read scriptures for guidance and other sorts.
I'm a fan of the word sorts right now.
But I've slacked off and it's really disappointing.
I'm really glad I know about the Atonement (and now we've switched back to an American accent) so I know that I can be better, but it's still disappointing knowing that I've let myself down...I need to be better. Starting a month ago.
I mean I've been worried about so many things and I know that if I followed promptings and stuff I would end up right where I needed to be and everything would work out perfectly.
I know the Lord makes adjustments for you, but I would rather just take the direct route ya know?
If you don't know, I don't blame you...It's 3 in the morning right now and I've become obsessed with British reality series. Like for realsies. And that means; I'm tired and I'm probably not making sense.
I feel bad that I've let go of some blessings because I have been lazy or stubborn. I was ignoring what I needed to do and I said to myself  "I don't know why I'm doing this..."
Have I complained enough?
Well, at the very least I'm glad I have my testimony to fall back on. Since I know of the Atonement and redemption, I can correct myself and move back on the straight and narrow. It's really nice to get back on track this fast. Usually I beat myself up about it for a week or two and then I don't repent right away as means of punishing myself. Saying I'm unworthy of the blessings in store for me when I do repent. But I'm realizing just how silly that is. I don't know better than God first of all. If He wants to bless me, He's going to bless me and I would be SOOOOO ungrateful if I didn't allow it to enter into my life. I know I can change, and even if no one reads this. I'm glad I'm doing it. I've felt such a difference in my life already. This is kind of a big hurtle for me. I've been "punishing" myself like this my whole life and this is the first time I don't feel pressed to wait to repent because I'm "not worthy" of feeling the spirit again.
Is this making sense? Sin makes me unworthy of the spirit, but what I've done in the past is tell myself not to repent right away because I haven't suffered enough.
Immediate repentance brings joy. That feeling that I've allowed myself to follow has been straight up Satan. Wow.
I have a testimony of personal revelation (totally happened before your reading eyes!) of the Atonement, our Savior's love, God's plan, His love for each of us and life is better when you practice humility.
God knows better than us :)
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen
I feel better, I'm going to pray and read and go to sleep now.
Thanks for existing :)

bye :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Testimony #23: a few things

Hello once again. :)
Hmm, what will it be tonight?
That's a strange way to start out my testimony
I feel like I'm ordering my testimony from a fast food restaraunt "would you like some holy spirit with that?"
"sure" :D
"would  you like to donate a dollar to some organization?"
"Not tonight..."
What? no exorcising charity? hmm and I was so close to least the church is still true....
So anyway I'll bare my testimony about....a few things...
one: I love prayer. The Lord totally answers my prayers. Sometimes the answer is "no" and sometimes I don't listen, and sometimes I pray half-hearted like. Regardless, He listens and answers with love.
I've been seeing it work all month long.
moral: praying=worth doing....and then some
two: The words of the prophet and leaders of the church are amazing
So, I'm pretty much loving my general conference app on my phone. I'm on the Saturday morning session of 2010 and I listened to I can't remember who but it was about learning and teaching. So perfect for me right now because on Monday I'll be heading on up to girls camp and I will be in charge of, count em, 20 girls!
Am I freaked out? yea! but the talk helped me so much! It was aimed for teachers but I totally adapted it to my situation. It talked about praying for students, or in my case young women, and that's good because you already know I'm for prayer! so yea
Three: I love temples
I was just thinking about how I didn't go to the temple this week (I'm sick :p ) I won't go next week (girls camp! :) ) or the week after (I'm getting a tooth removed :( )
So that's 3 weeks of no temple for me :( but the mountain up at girls camp will be a good substitute :)
I love girls camp!
well, I guess that's all I have for tonight.
So as always I want to say, I know that my Redeemer lives. I know Heavenly Father knows and loves me. I know that the church is true and that we can all return to live with God again one day.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

goodnight! :D

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Testimony #22: attonement is good :)

So just so everyone knows, I love my family dearly and I wouldn't be the same person without them.
I think it kinda sounds like I'm all "ew, family" but really I'm not.
but yea. Here we go! I wonder what's coming out tonight..
      So, I've been reflecting somewhat on how much I've grown in the past few months. I've come so far :)
I used to struggle a lot with my obedience and discipline. I used to have bad habits. I still have bad habits...a lot of bad habits, but the ones I'm referring to took me away from the spirit.
When I was in my last year of girls camp, I was strong spiritually. I tried to follow the spirit when ever I recognized it, no matter the consequences. Often I felt like a fool afterwards, but I was so happy at those spiritual strong points. I was trying to share the gospel with friends, which is TERRIFYING! but I made efforts because I loved them. (and I still love them) It didn't stick, I didn't convert. But I tried darn it :)
      Shortly after (maybe a few months or so) I started allowing myself some sins, and they grew. after a year I was far from the spirit, it was very disheartening. I found myself in dark places and I loathed myself and my actions. I would think back to how I was when I was stronger. ....It didn't help the loathing. I can't remember exactly what changed me, or what my bottom point was, but I do remember contemplating some evil things. I know now that I had let satan in my life, I had allowed him to be a part of my decisions. I don't recommend it.
     I can't remember exactly what made me decide to change, but I found myself striving to be on the level I was before, at a time when I recognized God's hand in my life every single day. It has taken my years of repentance, trying and so much effort to change who I was turning in to.
   I know that I barely achieved this, that I'm still barely achieving my goals. But I am achieving them through my Heavenly Father and His plan for me. I'm achieving them through the Atonement, through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I have a testimony of repentance and of the Atonement. I know that God loves us NO MATTER WHAT! I know the Jesus suffered for our sins. I know that if we seek forgiveness WE WILL FIND IT. I know that I have had this much progress because I had support and love from my Heavenly Father and I knew of the power of Christ. Forgiveness of sin is such a beautiful thing. It is such a wonderful feeling. I love knowing that even though I don't feel like I can ever be good enough, Christ bridges the gap to get me to where I need to be. Christ makes me whole through forgiveness and love. I hope everyone can feel the love of forgiveness in their lives. I know its power, I've experienced it. I've seen the drastic change it has brought about. I've seen it in my attitude, my confidence, my behavior, my goals, my life, even my posture. I pray in my heart that all can know that someone is there. Someone is waiting for you. Someone loves you. There are so many people (living or dead) that are pulling for you. It is never too late to get on your knees and talk with your Father in Heaven. You can access the atoning love of Jesus Christ whenever and always (right now you need to pray? do it! :) you will feel that much better)
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

well dang, I hope that was readable, I'm going to bed instead of proof reading so you'll have to excuse me on that one....and also I fell like I've been pretty heavy and should bring some lighthearted-ness up into this so here's a random, random thought....
Do people hang out in Heaven? Like, would Alma throw a bbq? and who would he invite? would he go up to anyone and be all "Yea, all the strippling warriors are stopping by, you should check it out."
I'd probably go....just sayin....
ok bye

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Testimony #21: family

Hello hello!
this is the end of the 3rd week since I started this thing, How exciting :)
It seems like it's been longer....but I guess it hasn't...
So, I haven't been getting along with my family lately. I've put a lot of time thinking about what's wrong.
Well, I'm being too grumpy. There are other things, but I've had the feeling if I bare my testimony about the importance of families, I know that my outlook on the situations will improve. I will still need to work, but I will get this much further...
so here we go....           ....          ..  .   .      . ...   
well, I've been testifying of how the Lord knows what He's doing when He puts people in our lives. And I know through that my family was made for me, and me for them. I know that they love me I know that they always will.
Right when I got out of high school I lost contact with pretty much all the friends I had in my life. My family accepted me. I know that no matter what happens my family will always be my family. And they will always be there.
I know that if I work at the relationships within my home, they will improve, and we will both benefit from them. I know that I will always be loved by them. Even when I use their headbands without permission.
I know the Lord knew what He was doing when He sent me to them, and them to me.
I know that family is so important. That family is like a forever support. Friends will come and go as they please, but I will always have a mother and father who love me. I will always have sisters and brothers that challenge and support me. I know that I am who I am today by the examples that have been set by my family. I love my family very much. I owe so much to them. I should be better at expressing my love and concern for them. I should show better patience and more acceptance of who they are. I know that I will be blessed very much if I do.
....I'll work on it :) but I know that my Redeemer lives. I know the words of the prophets are true. I know that President Monson does speak with God. I know that God answers our prayers. I know that I can live with Him again. I know that Jesus died for my sins. I know that no matter what I do (as in screw up) the church will still be true :) That's a fun mantra to have.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Testimony #20: scriptures

Happy Forth of July!
and welcome to yet another short testimony coming at you at odd hours of the night!
I have a testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints. I have a testimony of the scriptures.
Here, I'll share a story of how awesome they are...
So I was on a road trip with some of my friends. I love my friends dearly, but they were not LDS. And that's totally cool but sometimes we don't always see eye to eye. Cuz I'm like "swearing is bad!" and they're all "drinking is fun!" So they were doing that sorts of things on the road trip and I was feeling very alone. I was very discouraged and there was a lot of tension on the trip (some non-LDS related drama just FYI)
But yea, I was discouraged and I didn't feel good or accepted or nothing. I was wondering why they wanted me on the trip and I was wondering why I was there. So I decided to read some scriptures. I opened them up and they randomly fell on-
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those that morn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they who hunger after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall receive mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they that are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for they the prophets that were persecuted before you.
I just started crying. I felt overwhelming comfort. Those scriptures were so for me at that point. :) That moment strengthened my testimony of the power of the scriptures and the truth and comfort they hold.
It also let me know, once again, that my Heavenly Father loves me and is watching over me. He know where I am in my life and what I need.
I would like to bare my testimony of the scriptures. They are true :) I know I'm lucky to have them in my life. I know that I can always find comfort, support, encouragement, and all sorts of other good things. :)
I know that God loves me and cares for me. I know that He has given me everything I have. I owe my whole existence to Him. 
I know that my Redeemer lives, I know He died and suffered for my sins. I know that if I am faithful I can return to live with my Heavenly Father once again.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Testimony #19: Friends, influences and God knows me :)

Hello again,
So it was fast Sunday today, boy do I love testimony meeting :)
My friend (I won't name names just cuz I can) gave one of the most heartfelt testimonies I have heard in a long time. It was, simply put, beautiful. :) She spoke of her conversion and how when she started praying and reading the scriptures again she could love herself again. She could feel God's love and influence. And how God knew what she needed. Thank you friend. :) I know I mentioned in #4 how I feel about the people in my life, but I feel that I need to say again:
Thank you everyone in my life. I have the most wonderful family, friends and acquaintances ever. I always leave their presence with an uplifted heart.  I feel so overwhelmingly loved, and I thank my Heavenly Father for placing these people in my life. I'm so grateful that he know me and knows what I need.  My life has been oh so guided by the strength and love from others.
When I think about the people and guidance I get in my life, I realize over and over again that my Heavenly Father knows and loves me. I think I've been saying that in almost all my testimonies here, but it is so true. :)
He knows my name. If I were to see Him face to face I know He would say "Andira" or maybe "Andi"...I don't know if He would use my nickname.....hmm....interesting thought...probably "Andria"... The point is, He knows me :) I also know that He listens to me, guides me and challenges me. I know He challenges me because He know what I can handle. He challenges me because He loves me and wants me to realize what I can do. I know that He has a plan made just for me. How cool is that? Not only does He love me, forgive me, has my big brother Jesus Christ atone for me (Grateful for that too, and I know Jesus did it all voluntarily forever indebted to Him :) ) but Heavenly Father has a plan tailored just for me. He puts me in a position where I can thrive :) where I can learn and be challenged AS FAR AS I CAN GO! (and not one inch further)
Looking on my life, it seems so privileged I'm almost ashamed. (not complaining and I hope I didn't just jinx know how those go where you're like "I don't know what I would do if such and such happens, I don't think I'd be able to handle that" and the Lord is like "Yes, you could totally handle that see?" and then He does it!) But yea, I commend everyone out there for living your life :) you face so much that I couldn't even dream of. Its easy for me to say that everyone can handle what the Lord gives them. But it's so true :) You can do what the Lord gives you to do. The closer you are to the gospel, the easier it is to see. I think it would be weird if that wasn't true where the Lord is like "I know you would never be able to handle this but do it anyway" I mean if the goal is to get His children back to live with Him, why would He set us up for failure? He wouldn't do it. He wouldn't give us all that we have, He wouldn't give us the Atonement, our bodies, this earth or this life if we couldn't be successful.
I KNOW that the Lord loves us I know that He and Jesus Christ are pulling for us. I know that He gives us blessing that we can prosper and feel loved! HE LOVES US! HE KNOWS US!
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

ps Hi people from my ward who have found out about my blog! special shout out!

Testimony #18: talking on the phone

So I had a very good day today :)
I haven't been going to bed at 10:30 like I said I would :( Super sacker awaaaaaaayyy!!!
and I'm back because I still need to bare my testimony. And if anyone did a courtosey laugh, thank you for the courteousy laugh... also, sorry for the lame joke...It's really late.
but anyway...
right now I'm talking to my friend and we've been talking for a long time. my phone is about to die.
It's 2 in the morning...I don't know how much longer I can stay awake.
So I'm going to try to do this while on the phone while falling asleep....this one will be a good one...I can tell
I know the church is true. I know that Heavenly Father knows everyone of us and knows what's best for us. I know that He cares for us and will always be there for us.
I know that Jesus Christ died for our sins and that repentance is good. :)
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen

Ok bye :))))))))))
so tired....and still talking on the phone :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Testimony #17:

Aaaaaaaand go!
So today after work I was again listening to my general conference app (totally free ps!)
And I was listening to the opening remarks by President Monson of the 2010 October Saturday morning session, he spoke about temples. I could feel how much he loves temples and temple work. I started thinking about how I go (try to go) every week. I felt super awesome. But it just struck me how much I could feel President Monson's testimony of how wonderful they are. They are. They are absolutely wonderful :) I love Temple Tuesday. I not this last Tuesday, but the one before. I was talking to a lady (I forgot her name...sorry!) from Tennessee (I might be wrong I can't remember....sorry again!) She was saying that the closest temple to where she is is a 3 hour drive! I have 5 within 40 minutes! (I'm pretty sure....Salt Lake, Jordan River, Oquirh Mountain, Draper, Bountiful...Am I missing any?) but wow, how spoiled am I? (my southern friend said I was "privileged"....I think that was the word) But I am privileged, I am so blessed to have something so wonderful in my life, and I am so blessed to have friends that would venture there with me every week. I haven't consciously thought about how peaceful it is when I go. Or how I'm always happy when I go (and leave). I get a load off when I go there :) Everything seems to fall into place while I'm there. I love the temples, I know that they are Houses of God. I know that the work that gets done there is sacred. I know that participating in the work gets me blessings :) I know that they are important and necessary to our salvation. I have felt a difference in my life since I started going. I think they are wonderful :)
I don't understand how someone like me is so blessed. I don't know why I was privileged to have the gospel my whole life. I am humbled and grateful to be who and where I am. I feel overwhelmed when I consider how many blessings I have. How protected I've been. I love the gospel :) I love everything about it. It brings love, comfort, peace, growth and so many other blessings and challenges (and ways to overcome challenges ;) )
I hope, to anyone that does fall upon this ol blog, realize: you are loved. Even if you don't feel like you are, trust me, someone is watching over you praying for you. Even if you feel lonely or misunderstood, know, please, that someone is pulling for you on the other side of the veil. If you feel hated, ugly, worthless, pick yourself up and know that you are the most wonderful you that has ever been. You are irreplaceable! There is no one on earth that can do what you can do. No one that can influence the people in your lives the way you can. Please don't sell yourself short. You are wonderful. You have a purpose (YES! YOU!) I don't think people understand how influential they can be. some of the best pick-me-ups I've had was from  a simple "hello", a smile, a text, a "are you ok?", one day someone simply sat next to me at church :) You are that to someone, and you may not even know it.
anyway, wow, that was of me :) oh sorry President Packer that was really Later Day Saint of me haha....I'm a dork.....I'm ok with it :)
well I guess I should close with
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

See y'all tomorrow

Testimony #16:

Hello again,
this one counts for today, so yea... still 16 days in a row!
wow more than 2 do I feel....accomplished :) usually I would have stopped or skipped by now.
I guess I'm determined...I like being determined. It make me feel all purposeful and stuff.
So, anyway...let's get to testifying...
Oh I know!!
ok so, I have an app on my phone of General Conference and I listen to talks on my way home from work
and I would ask all of you to not make fun of me on my mo-ness (fyi "mo" is a term I started using to mean "super freaking mormon"  ex. drinking something and thinking This would taste good with sprite) but I mean I am baring my testimony you must have figured out the mo levels...and I don't think a single person has looked at this blog....meh....the church is still true ;)
also if that joke isn't funny, it's because you haven't read testimony #3...and it's not very funny...
It's like a joke your uncle tells every family reunion. It was sorta funny the first time, and it's been said SO MANY TIMES!!! but that's ok, because the church is still true. 
anyway, So I've been listening to the conference talks while I drive....huge. difference.
I was going some place today and I didn't know if my phone had enough battery left, so I wasn't going to listen...but I got pushed by the spirit ya know?
It was awesome
I have a testimony of our prophet. He does commune with God. He is leading the church in righteousness.
I am so very grateful to have his words as a resource. I know the church is true. I know God lives and I know that Jesus is the Christ and He did die for our sins.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.