Hello hello,
What a beautiful Sunday it was :)
It's pioneer day, I should probably bare my testimony on how awesome pioneers were.
If anyone doesn't know what that is, Pioneer Day is a Utah holiday where we commemorate the pioneers coming across America to settle in Utah. I think that sentence makes sense...right?
Well, I do have a testimony of the pioneers, they were awesome people. I also have a testimony that Utah is the place where they were supposed to be. I know that the Lord helped them out because they obeyed. I mean, do you realize just how deserty this place was? There was an offer from Brigham Young- he would give $1000 for the first crop of corn because he simply didn't think it could be done. And now look at us. Corn is like what Utah is known for.....wait..what? it's not?.....Well we still have corn! so....yea!
I don't have a graceful segway for this, but before church today, I was listening to Classical89 on the radio. Sundays they usually have a BYU devotional playing when I'm driving to the church building.
I don't know who gave the talk, but it was about turning weaknesses into strengths. and I'm not sure how this relates (but it does somehow) but the guy was comparing the atonement to piano lessons...so set up:
He was talking about how we do our very best and the Savior makes up the rest. He was talking about a young women that came into his office and was asking/saying (quotish) "I know we do our very best and the Lord fills the rest of the gap, but who fills the gap between me and what I'm supposed to be doing?"
I thought that was an interesting question...no extra thoughts, just interested. Well the guy started talking about how the Lord didn't pay for all (referring to our sins) except for a few coins, he payed for it all. Everything has been taken care of. Wow, doesn't that make you feel comforted? It did me...also loved...very loved.
Then he did the comparison to piano lessons. Ok, so your mom pays for your piano lessons right? She gives you this awesome gift that really, you'd never be able to pay back being a child. She doesn't expect you to pay her back, but she does want you to practice (repentance). Now, practice won't pay the teacher (God) it won't pay your mother back (Christ) but it will show appreciation of the gift of lessons (the Atonement).
I can't remember the exact wording but he mentioned how practicing/repenting showed the desire to improve. That's all Christ wants, He wants you to improve :) not all judgy like or anything. He just wants you to be the best you can, so you can achieve the best you can, so you can have the best you can. Even if you don't He's already payed for you anyway. Isn't that wonderful? No matter what you do, you will be able to live again. :) (ya know in the next life?) you will have your body and spirit reunited. He loves you that much :)
I know these things to be true and I say them in the name of Jesus Christ amen.
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