Thursday, July 21, 2011

Testimony #37:

So I was just lying here (exhausted for some reason) and I read some of my old posts...
goodness gracious! I can't understand what I'm talking about! and I wrote it! man!
So goal: Don't post these things at 2 in the morning.
ok, so yea, hopefully that will help with being coherent. (but still cross your fingers)
So...I still love the gospel, I uh, am starting to worry about these posts getting too short, and too repetitive.
But I was thinking (like ya do) Sometimes the shortest testimonies are the most heart filled. and I really do have a testimony of all the things that I've repeated. I don't need to have a new experience everyday to want to bare my testimony (though admittedly that would be pretty stellar) (and yea, I did just use the word with it)
But yea, I shouldn't worry if my testimony isn't entertaining all the time so long as it's true and I believe what I'm saying. so...
I have a testimony of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I have a testimony of my Father in Heaven. I have a testimony that He loves and cares for me. He knows me by name. He has a plan for me, specifically for me. I know that if I follow what He has in mind for me I won't fail.
Isn't that interesting/amazing? He could tell me "Andi, I want you to go to Germany and do....something the Lord would ask me to do....(I can't think of anything)" and if I did it, I could do it! It's really cool and comforting thinking that I have all this potential lined up for me (I apologize if this is making no sense..._
but yea, I have a testimony of the church and I know the Atonement is real and the Lord wants us all to return to live with Him again one day
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

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