So I'm not good on the "don't post at 2 in the morning" because look, it's exactly 2 in the morning when I wrote this sentence....it's a good thing the church is still true.
So, there's a few things I want to get out there tonight
1-I screwed up. I need to repent. I should have last night, but I didn't....I was too ashamed to face my Heavenly Father. I still am ashamed, and embarrassed. But I have a testimony that I should, my Father wants me to turn to Him. He wants me to. He still loves me, He still has a plan for me. And the great thing is, this thing that I'm struggling with, was taken care of. My Savior suffered so I can confess and forsake my sins. My Savior died so I can hurriedly go to my Father in Heaven and have my burdens lifted.
I really need to be better. I am so grateful for the plan of happiness that my Father devised. I'm so soooo grateful that I have a Brother that would willingly give up His life so I can have a second (third, fourth, etc) chance. I'm so very grateful to be so loved. I'm so very lucky that I have this in my life. I am so very grateful that I know the truths of the Atonement. I really hope someone is reading this because I feel it's an obligation of mine to get the good word out there. I was given this great gift of the gospel in my life. I want to share...hey look a blog devoted for that same thing...cool...
2-So I was talking to a friend of mine today. He wasn't in the best of spirits, he was following a difficult prompting given to him by our Heavenly Father. He's a great dude for being able to do that. I was super impressed how willing he was to follow what the Lord was telling him. It made me think/realize that I'm not active enough in seeking what the Lord wants me to do with my life. I've just been coasting along, asking for advise in tight spots and then forgetting that great resource. I can make excuses for myself, good excuses (well good enough for me not to be actively seeking) but those reasons don't matter. My God knows me and what He wants for me. He can see so much better than I can. He knows what my potential is. I don't even know what I'm capable of right now, let alone 20, even 5 years from now. I need to trust the Lord, and ask!! Oh boy do I. I've definitely struggled with that one. I'm so petrified of doing. I was talking to a friend (different one) and she (see) was saying that I wasn't doing what the Lord wanted me to do because I was afraid, even thought I'd be ok.
That's so freaking true. It's not like the Lord was ever like "Hey Nephi, go and build a boat." Nephi- "Sure thing!" Heavenly Father "Just kidding, you can't do that....joke's on you!" (that wasn't blasphemous was it?)
He wouldn't bother asking us to do things if we weren't capable of doing it. So I shouldn't be afraid and I need to act I need to do!
I was reading in my little journal I have for Sunday notes and things and I read these notes that I WROTE: Don't pass up the opportunities that are specifically place in our path. DON'T PASS UP THE OPPORTUNITIES!!!!! TAKE THE OPPORTUNITIES!!!
It takes courage and commitment to follow the spirit. Have courage and commit.
Isn't that fitting? I think so. So, I need to share my testimony of Heavenly Father's love for us. I have a testimony that He has a plan for us that we would be wise to follow. I know that if we seek His guidance WE WILL SUCCEED :) He can see so much farther than us, and has a lot more experience than us. He can see more that our thought. He can see those around us and can place us in paths that benefit us, or others. Kinda like my friend today who showed me by example how to improve my life....which brings me to
3-I am again wishing to express my gratitude of the friends and family in my life. I would again like to bare my testimony the importance of surrounding yourself with good and supportive people. It isn't easy to find. It isn't easy to maintain, but it is worth it. (but just so you know friends reading this, I'm not saying it's hard to be your friend, quite the opposite. I mean why would I be like "oh I'm so grateful" and then be all "it's really hard to be friends with you all the time"? wouldn't do it. Didn't do it. super love you guys. disclaimer finished? ok good) I would simply not be where I am today with out my friends and family. I have a testimony that Heavenly Father put them in my life (and me in theirs) to help me. Heavenly Father knows me and what I needed and wanted and that was the people currently in my life. Thank you Heavenly Father, Thank you Jesus Christ, and thank you friends and family...straight up loves to the lot of ya.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have some repenting to do. Get all...back on track and stuff :)
until tomorrow :)
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