Sunday, July 3, 2011

Testimony #19: Friends, influences and God knows me :)

Hello again,
So it was fast Sunday today, boy do I love testimony meeting :)
My friend (I won't name names just cuz I can) gave one of the most heartfelt testimonies I have heard in a long time. It was, simply put, beautiful. :) She spoke of her conversion and how when she started praying and reading the scriptures again she could love herself again. She could feel God's love and influence. And how God knew what she needed. Thank you friend. :) I know I mentioned in #4 how I feel about the people in my life, but I feel that I need to say again:
Thank you everyone in my life. I have the most wonderful family, friends and acquaintances ever. I always leave their presence with an uplifted heart.  I feel so overwhelmingly loved, and I thank my Heavenly Father for placing these people in my life. I'm so grateful that he know me and knows what I need.  My life has been oh so guided by the strength and love from others.
When I think about the people and guidance I get in my life, I realize over and over again that my Heavenly Father knows and loves me. I think I've been saying that in almost all my testimonies here, but it is so true. :)
He knows my name. If I were to see Him face to face I know He would say "Andira" or maybe "Andi"...I don't know if He would use my nickname.....hmm....interesting thought...probably "Andria"... The point is, He knows me :) I also know that He listens to me, guides me and challenges me. I know He challenges me because He know what I can handle. He challenges me because He loves me and wants me to realize what I can do. I know that He has a plan made just for me. How cool is that? Not only does He love me, forgive me, has my big brother Jesus Christ atone for me (Grateful for that too, and I know Jesus did it all voluntarily forever indebted to Him :) ) but Heavenly Father has a plan tailored just for me. He puts me in a position where I can thrive :) where I can learn and be challenged AS FAR AS I CAN GO! (and not one inch further)
Looking on my life, it seems so privileged I'm almost ashamed. (not complaining and I hope I didn't just jinx know how those go where you're like "I don't know what I would do if such and such happens, I don't think I'd be able to handle that" and the Lord is like "Yes, you could totally handle that see?" and then He does it!) But yea, I commend everyone out there for living your life :) you face so much that I couldn't even dream of. Its easy for me to say that everyone can handle what the Lord gives them. But it's so true :) You can do what the Lord gives you to do. The closer you are to the gospel, the easier it is to see. I think it would be weird if that wasn't true where the Lord is like "I know you would never be able to handle this but do it anyway" I mean if the goal is to get His children back to live with Him, why would He set us up for failure? He wouldn't do it. He wouldn't give us all that we have, He wouldn't give us the Atonement, our bodies, this earth or this life if we couldn't be successful.
I KNOW that the Lord loves us I know that He and Jesus Christ are pulling for us. I know that He gives us blessing that we can prosper and feel loved! HE LOVES US! HE KNOWS US!
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

ps Hi people from my ward who have found out about my blog! special shout out!

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