Thursday, July 28, 2011

Testimony #43: The mighty priesthood

Internet still down might be down tomorrow, might be up the day after...cross your fingers
SO I would just like to bare my testimony about the priesthood.
The priesthood is wonderful :) I know it makes a difference in homes. I felt the difference when it left my home. I know it is important and offers so much to those who respect it.
I don't want to go in to a pity me moment, but I was talking to a friend (an awesome, wonderful friend...hi friend!) and she was talking about a real rough patch she was going through, and you know what she did? asked for a father's blessing. I was talking to the same friend a long time ago about a rough patch I was going through, and she asked how longs its been since I had a blessing. It had been a few months. When I was going through another hard time and my different friend was like "you need a blessing" and tracked down two people to give me one. (friend, you are fabulous. Thank you) at that point I had forgotten it was an option. I had completely forgotten the role priesthood could have on your life.
The priesthood is so important. It offers so many gifts to you. Fight to keep it in your life. If you are able to hold the priesthood, honor it. you straight up honor it! you don't know when you might need to use it and be unable to help out a loved one. Any girls out there, do anything you can to honor those who may hold the priesthood. There is responsibility on both sides. Please keep it in your life! I can testify that it is so disheartening to see it exit your life.
I remember when my dad gave up his priesthood power, well, not the specific day, but I remember when I was struggling and asked for a blessing. He put his hands on my head and I knew that he wasn't worthy. I knew, though he had good intentions and he was trying, I was not receiving any sort of gift.
So again I plead with any male out there. HONOR YOUR PRIESTHOOD! and for those of you who are. THANK YOU!!!
It makes life so much easier if you have the power of the priesthood in your life. I have been lucky enough to know some GREAT men, who remained worthy and it helped me out a ton.
So I have asthma, and one night I had a bad attack. Usually I just like to ride it out, so I wasn't able to breath properly I think for and hour, hour and a half. And I try my hardest not to freak out. It was working for a little, and my breath kept getting shallower and shallower. It got really slow, and at one point I remember thinking "this is it, I'm going to stop breathing and pass out" and for some reason, somehow I kept breathing...I texted my roommate (because I couldn't talk) "I want a blessing"
She called our home teachers (it was like 11 pm) and they came right over, riding in on their white horses of priesthood :)
As soon as the blessing was done, and they had gone, my roommate said, "you seem calmer," I was and I didn't even notice it. I was breathing and I didn't even notice haha!
That is only one example, it has blessed me many other times. Healed me many other times. and my favorite part about the asthma story is the next day when I was like "I owe ya one" my dear friend said "the priesthood doesn't work that way" and then he thanked me for letting him use it. Thank YOU priesthood holding friend :)
If you have the priesthood in your home, please take advantage of it. Use it. Be worthy of it. (you too ladies) Please allow it to be a part of your life.
If it is not in your home. Have good friends, still use it, honor it (you too ladies! I'm so serious!) Remember that it has not left your life. Don't be afraid to go to your extended family, your home teachers, bishops, other callings that priesthood holders are in, friends etc. The power of the priesthood is real. It has merit. It can heal. It can change lives. It can offer comfort and assurance. Blessings can offer council and advise.
I know that I need to look for that in my eternal companion: someone who honors his priesthood. I know that if we both strive to keep it in our lives and be at the forefront of our household, we will be blessed for it.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

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