Monday, August 8, 2011

Testimony #55:

I know that my Redeemer lives. I know that He died for me. I know He suffered for my sins. I know that I am a loved daughter of my Heavenly Father. I know that if I can align my will with His, I will be just fine :)
I know that patriaricle blessings are awesome, I know that they are personal and I know they come from our Heavenly Father. I know the church is true, I know the scriptures are true. I know that I can one day return to live with my Heavenly Father if I am faithful. I know there is work for me to do. I know that trusting the Lord is pretty much one of the smartest things you can do. I know, for the times you don't listen, the atonement is there for you. Christ is there for you. I know that you can always find your way back to the gospel. You can always do what is needed. I know that you will always find support if you look for it. (sometimes you won't even see it on this side of the veil) I know that we are all children of God. I know that temples are awesome I know that ....I need to go to bed right now. :)
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

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