Saturday, August 27, 2011

Testimony #74: A Good ol' Chastening

Hey Internet!
So, I don't know if you've  noticed but my past like 10 testimonies have been just the bare minimum. and for the past month maybe its just been me saying "Jesus Christ lives and God loves me"
Which is true, it's totally true, one of the things that I don't like to associate with testimonies is long drawn out stories. Don't get me wrong, I love spiritual experiences, I love them. BUT I don't like a solid 10 minutes of a story and it's intricate details that could have been expressed in a 2 minute recap followed by "and that made me realize...(insert testimony here)" I just think, and this is just my opinion mind you, that testimony isn't story time, it isn't give the congregation a challenge time, let me tell you what I'm thankful for or even I'm gonna give you a talk time followed by a 40 second "I know the church is true, I know the scriptures are true" That last 40 seconds is the testimony. But I digress....
The point is that's why my blog is so bland I find. It's 70 repeats of the day before. So I'm opening up my options to include; a testimony building experience, thoughts and ponderings on the teachings and yes even my passions and opinions followed by testimony...and I'll start with this...

So, as you've also probably noticed (the no one reading this thing)  My testimonies the past while have been short....I've been slacking, and further more slacking in the spirit. I've prayed for promptings, I've prayed for guidance and I've done nothing. I've had promptings on what needs to be done and who I should strive to be and I did nothing. You know when I do that, I seem to get a lot more grumpy. I tend to waste time doing nothing. I seem to find myself slipping back down. I watch things that drive the spirit away, I allow negative thoughts to cloud my mind and I end up not praying or reading my scriptures. Well today I was listening to my general conference app I was listening to the priesthood session of April 2011 on my way to work...I got quite the chastening from the spirit....I had dropped the ball, I felt pretty, well I cried. So I said a prayer and found out I got to work an hour early (ha!) So I listened to another talk and got chastened again....But now I feel real good, I felt wicked happy when I got home. I felt so much better. Isn't that strange? Probs because I felt some Godly sorrow and had a change o heart. (repentance! yay!) So yea. which leads me to my testimony...
First off, I know that our prophet and apostles are men of God, those talks were just what I needed. I know that if you listen to what is said, you will be a better person and you will receive answers to your prayers and stuff. I know that they are led by God. They allow themselves to be led by God. They are all wonderful. I have a testimony of the leaders of the church. I know that they are called because they are worthy and they are the best people for the job. I know that if I continue to listen to their counsel I will be a better person for it and I will be more apt to do the work Heavenly Father has for me to do.
Second, I know that the Lord is watching over me and knows what I need to hear in order for me to be a better person. I know that He is ever watchful and truly wants the best for me. He wants me to come to Him and never forget He is there and He will continue to bless me. I know that if we do what He asks of us He is bound to bless us. I know that I am loved. I know that I'm looked after. I know that I can do whatever He asks of me. I know that I can achieve the goals I have set out for me if I listen to His counsel.
Third, I have a testimony of the Atonement. I used it today, I felt the weight lift from me. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior. I know that the only way I can return to my Father in Heaven it through the Atonement. I know that Jesus died for my sins, I know He lives again, I know that He loves me and is vying for me. He also wants me to succeed. I know that the only reason why I have a chance is because of His redeeming sacrifice.
Last, I have a testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I believe in it's teachings and I believe the only way back to Heavenly Father is found in the teachings and ordinances I've been taught. I know the scriptures are a great source of comfort and truth. I have a testimony of the Book of Mormon. I know that it was translated so we would be able to draw closer to our Heavenly Home.
I testify of the truthfulness of the gospel. I testify of the love that our Heavenly Father and Savior shower us with every day of our lives. I know that even thought we may not feel their presence, they are there for us, all we need to do is turn to them. I know that they know our names. I know that they cry with us and laugh with us. I know they care. I. Know. They. Care. very much...
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing, my friend! Thank you for always sharing your testimony!
