Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Testimony #64: tithing

So I want to bare my testimony about tithes and offerings. So, for a while I wasn't paying my tithing (I lost my checks) and I fell behind. I wasn't spending the money and I figured it would be kosher of me to play catch up. I think I was 4 months behind....yea, I was 4 months behind. Oh, and if people don't know what tithing is, it's 10% of your earnings that you donate to the church. So I was paying some substantial amounts every week with cash to get to where I needed to be. and you know what? I have no idea how but my bank account grew. I had a good savings building up real nice. So, I finally catch up and for the past 2 weeks I haven't payed anything to the church, and you know what? My bank account has gone down. I didn't feel like I changed anything in my spending habits. but yea, I know am like "man I need to pay attention and write things down." While I was playing catch up I didn't pay attention at all, you know what, ever since I stopped paying every week, I have a bigger urge to spend money....that's so strange.
Tithing is amazing. I know if you pay your tithing and offerings (further donations that help missionaries, temple building, etc.) you will be blessed. I've had a testimony of this, but I've never seen it work in my life in such a dramatic way.
I know that my Redeemer lives. I know He suffered and died for my sins. I have a testimony of Eternal Life. I know that my Heavenly Father loves me. I know that if I trust Him I will be blessed. I know that the church is true. I know that families can be together forever. I know that I can do whatever I am asked of by my Father in Heaven.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

until tomorrow

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